A Roman villa had numerous statues of deities. The emperor Hadrian’s, c. 30 km from Rome, was no exception. The vast Villa Adriana consisted of many buildings and one of them stood this Hermes, messenger of the gods.

The Roman elite moved out of Rome for the summer, staying in their houses on the coast instead.

The largest of these villae marittimae were on the bay of Naples. This was the playground of the imperial family and the super rich. From this area comes a statue of Livia, wife of Augustus.

A friend of Hadrian’s, Gaius Bruttius Praesens, had a villa south east of Rome. Here he enjoyed his otium, the leisurely, cultivated life of the wealthy. He probably read the poems of Anacreon, with cool white wine close to hand. A portrait statue of the famous Greek poet was found in the villa.