EXHIBITION: 11.10.2013 - 12.01.2014

This autumn the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek is presenting an exhibition of work by one of the most significant figures in modern Danish sculpture, Anita Jørgensen. INTERSTICES has been created especially for the Glyptotek, whose collection of antiquities constitutes the setting for an intense dialogue between, on the one hand, modern sculpture and installation art and, on the other, ancient masterpieces covering two millennia.

Anita Jørgensen has been given a free hand to shape her dialogue between the museum’s space and the sculptures. She has chosen Rooms 10, 11 and 12 the two long galleries and the mausoleum behind the Central Hall. Here the artist has created a new arrangement of the ancient sculptures together with 15 of her own works.

Directly beneath the dome of the Winter garden Anita Jørgensen has incorporated the title of the exhibition in yet another work in red neon.

The exhibition is supported by:

 • Statens Kunstråd
 • Nørgaard paa Strøget
 • C.E Jensens Fond
 • Frederik og Emma Kraghs Mindefond
 • Toyota Foundation