Egypt – the Source of Art

The Egyptians were superb artists. Their work was to serve as models for the Greeks and Romans, from whom the legacy passed down to the Europe of subsequent eras. Visit the Glyptotek’s Egyptian Collection and see how it all began.


Adults: DKK 75 (EUR 11)
Children under 18 years: free admission
Groups (10 people or more): DKK 50 (EUR 7)per person
Sundays: free admission
Season ticket (one year): DKK 200 (EUR 27)

Opening Hours

Tuesday - Sunday 11 am - 5 pm
Monday closed

Closed on the following days: January 1st, June 5th, December 24th and 25th.


Ny Carlsberg Glypotek
Dantes Plads 7
1556 Copenhagen | Denmark

Tel. (+45) 33 41 81 41


Tel. (+45) 33 41 81 41

Café Glypoteket

Tel. (+45) 33 41 81 28