
It is possible to draw the majority of the works in the museum. Due to considerations of space, it is unfortunately not possible to draw in the section containing the French paintings.
For any questions, please call (+45) 31 41 81 41.

Only drawing in pencil is allowed.
Folding chairs and drawing boards may be borrowed at the museum (limited number available) – please ask the attendants upon entering the museum.

Private teaching of drawing

For a number of years, the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek has made itself available for the private teaching of drawing. The museum is not involved in the tuition itself, but provides the opportunity for drawing teachers and pupils to work in the collections.

For further details, please contact:

Asbjørn Jacobsen
Painter and graphic artist
Tel. (+45) 35 42 32 30

Lis Nogel
Painter and graphic artist
Tel. (+45) 39 31 90 20
