Olena Mikhanosha portrait image

I am a passionate designer

I love self-development

I love life

I was born and raised in Kharkov, the second biggest city of Ukraine and moved to Denmark when I was 19. I have an AP degree in Multimedia Design and Communication from Copenhagen Business Academy and B.Sc. in Digital Media and Design from IT University of Copenhagen.

During the time of my studies I went to study abroad at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia and Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, South Africa, where I studied Design Thinking, Gamification, Visualizing Experience and Graphic Design.

I have been working with Graphic Design for Radikale Venstre (Danish social-liberal party) and as a student assistant at an IT department of a Danish business conglomerate -
A.P. Møller - Mærsk, where I also did my internship.

I graduated as a B.Sc. in Digital Media & Design in June 2018. Currently, I am working as an UX IU Designer for a mobile app development company BridgeIT. I live in Copenhagen and I am an avid designer.

Live with passion

Cre­ativ­ity, fam­ily rela­tion­ship and mak­ing the world a bet­ter place to live in are the things, which are impor­tant for me. I have been a cre­ative per­son since I ever remem­ber this. My father was a pro­gram­mer and a painter, while my mother is archi­tect and an artist, which makes my child­hood filled with cre­ativ­ity and helped me to develop aes­thetic sense that I use in my daily life.

I am an avid designer

Fam­ily rela­tion­ship is a essen­tial in my life. I love being with my fam­ily, shar­ing good and bad times with them and keep­ing good rela­tion­ship with peo­ple who mat­ters to me. Fam­ily– and friend-relationship make my life more ful­filled and give bet­ter life qual­ity.

If I can suc­ceed in chang­ing even a lit­tle tiny sand corn dur­ing my life time to make the world a bet­ter place to live in for both humans, ani­mals and plants than I have made my mis­sion. Cer­tainly a sense of humour is essen­tial in order to com­mu­ni­cate with peo­ple in daily life.

Winner of Microsoft Imagine Cup in Denmark

LifeHunt is a geo-location based app concept, which combines the old treasure hunting concept with the modern gear and active city exploration in order to provide fun and educational experiences. LifeHunt let the user discover POIs around the city's historical and cultural locations while making the game more exciting than other games because it takes place in real life.

Click here to see the Microsoft Imagine Cup certificate.

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